I love baking....I always have. Growing up with 5 sisters and 3 brothers, there was always some sort of celebration going on, and I was always more then happy to help my mom, or often my sisters, bake something yummy. In fact, more often then not, we made treats for dinner, treats for the weekend, treats for Family Home Evening, treats for just about everything! So, when I looked at our school's PTO sign up form, signing up to head up the Bake Sales was a no-brainer! It has been several years now, and my kids have come to love helping me with them too. This time around, we are doing a Monster theme, coordinating with our Book Fair ~ and its been so much fun to see what all of the creative Moms have come up with! My husband loves cupcakes, so I made these crazy-eyed ones above. Jackson will only be in Elementary school for one more year....and this will definitely be something I'll miss being a part of!